Climate in Lhokha
Lhokha is of moderate dry climate. The annual rainfall is less than 450 mm, with a rain season from June to September. The annual sunshine time varies from 2600 to 3300 hours. The annual low temperature is 6 oC-8 oC, and annual high temperature is 31 oC - 37 oC. The annual wind velocity is 3m/s and the highest is 17m/s. Windy days are mainly from December to March the next year. This area has plenty of animals and plants of various types. The water resource is rich. The lakes’ water storage amounts to 17 billion m3, glacier water storage 1 billion m3, and underground water storage 23 billion m3. The annual water flow is roughly 55 billion m3. Lhokha also abounds in solar energy and wind power.
The four seasons are distinctive. The temperature reaches its highest, a little more than 20oC, from June to August. But the temperature difference between day and night is 10 oC or so, sometimes more than 20 oC. December and January are the coldest months and the temperature may drop to -10 oC.
1.The best time for tourists is from June to August.
2.You can wear the same amount of clothes as you do in Lhasa as the temperature is almost the same as that in Lhasa.